About Us

We Are Creative production company

Helping you find the exact audience you need by recruiting from 100+ different consumer segments and industries.​

We’re a team of technologists, designers, and strategists driven to create products that enhance the world around us.

Michelle Little

Michelle Little

Graphic Designer

My Languages: English, Spanish
My Hobby: Web Design
Gilbert Rogers

Gilbert Rogers

Creative Director

Languages English, Spanish
My Hobby Graphic Designer
Guy Brooks

Guy Brooks

2D Illustrator

Languages English, Spanish
My Hobby Graphic Designer
Melvin Cox

Melvin Cox

Sales Lead

Languages English, Spanish
My Hobby Graphic Designer
Melinda Fox

Melinda Fox

Financial Analyst

Languages: English, Spanish
My Hobby: Family and Chlidren
Anthony Hall

Anthony Hall

Finance Director

Languages: English, Spanish
My Hobby: Hockey and TV
Victoria Soto

Victoria Soto

Web Develpment

Languages: English, Belarusian
My Hobby: Web Develpment
Zoe Herrera

Zoe Herrera

Project Manager

Languages English, German
My Hobby: Sport and Party
Lewis Watson

Lewis Watson

Data Researcher

Languages: English, Spanish
My Hobby: Data Analitics

Our facts

Year of Experiences
0 0 +
Project Completed
0 +
Year of Experiences
0 0 +

Brands We Work

Works ◑ver the world with people from all works ❂f life, religions and cultures